Scroll down to find Bluegrass and Bluegrass-Related events in the Washington, DC area and surrounding vicinities. Verify the Dates, Times, and Admission Fees, before traveling to any of these events.

Tuesday 05/21/2024 - Wednesday 05/22/2024
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Greetings fellow pickers! I’ve been working to get another jam set up for folks who live a little further west of DC and I’m proud to announce our first jam will take place on Tuesday May 21st from 8PM – 10PM at PJ SKidoos in Fairfax. Currently this jam will be held EVERY THIRD TUESDAY to offset the Port City Brewery jam and the other jams around the area.

Wednesday 05/22/2024
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Happy Harbor Acoustic Open Mic
Happy Harbor Waterfront Restaurant and Bar, Deale MD

Acoustic open mic at
Happy Harbor Waterfront Bar and Restaurant
533 Deale Road, Deale, MD 20751
Every Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm.
No cover, great food available.
Contact: Mike Siegert at for more info.